June 8, 2024 - 10 am to 7 pm - Taylor, MI
Morning Session
Afternoon & Evening Session
Coming five months before a 2024 Presidential election which will shape the direction of our nation and our civilization for decades to come, the conference will not only examine the depth of the crisis facing mankind and our offered solutions, but, more importantly, it will explore the millenia-long fundamental conflict between a society based on man as uniquely in the image of the Creator, and the oligarch’s lie that man is no better than an animal. Only a deep and scientific understanding of the nature of and solutions to the current deadly crisis will illuminate the pathway out of it.
Donald Trump’s first Presidency and the promise of his next Presidency represent the vehicle by which we can restore the principles which distinguish us from Empire. His Agenda47 policies represent the starting point for such a return and the initial building block of our future.
In a series of panels, the conference will take the economic, strategic and cultural crises gripping our nation (and the world) from this basis: there are no remedial or pragmatic solutions which will rescue us. Rather, we must understand and reject the Dark Ages principles which have engulfed our nation, and replace them with the rediscovered Promethean principles of a true American Renaissance.
8:00-10:00 am: Check in, coffee and donuts
10:00 am -12:30 pm: Morning Session
Susan Kokinda, Welcome and Introduction
Barbara Boyd, "The End of the Post-Liberal Era"
Susan Kokinda, "Make America Promethean Again–Will We Finally Defeat the Oligarchy?"
Questions and Discussion
Robert Ingraham, "How to Recreate an American Culture; or,—What do Benjamin Franklin, St. Augustine and Tom Wolfe have in Common"
Questions and Discussion
12:30-2:00 pm: Lunch available from Food Truck on site
2:00-2:30 pm: Candidates Forum
Short statements from Ron Kokinda, running for MI State Representative (HD2); Mindy Pechenuk for Oakland (CA) City Council at Large.
2:30-4:30 pm: Afternoon Session
The Coming Revolution in Science: A Dialogue with Tony Papert and Bruce Director
Questions and Discussion
The Coming Revolution in Economics: A Dialogue with Kesha Rogers and Brian Lantz
Questions and Discussion
4:30-5:00 pm: Stretch Break
5:00-7:00 pm Evening Session
Benjamin Deniston, "The Promethean Universe"
Michael Steger, "Building a Civilization"
Activist Panel Discussion
Conference Ends
Other information for those attending conference in person. Venue address provided upon registration.
Meals: Coffee and donuts will be available 8:00-10:00 AM. Inexpensive lunch will be catered at the site. Guests are expected to take dinner after the conference ends at 7:00.
Check-In: Only pre-registered guests may attend. If you are registered, please bring photo-id to the check-in desk at the conference site between 8:00 AM and 3:00 PM to check in and receive your badge to attend. No physical ticket will be mailed to you.
Disclaimer: The conference is a private event, and all attendance is at the discretion of Promethean Action. If your registration is cancelled, you will not be allowed into the event. Please do not attempt to attend the event if your registration has been cancelled.
For more information, telephone (248) 232-6981. We look forward to seeing you!
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